Summer Program 2024
Summer Program opens on Friday, April 5, 2024.
Our Summer Program will only be open to current Leap Ahead families.
Summer Program
June 24, 2024 - August 9, 2024
Ages: 5 - 7 years, 8 - 11 years, 12 - 15 years
Leap Ahead, Inc. offers program options for children with autism & other related disorders. We are accepting children ages 5 to 15 years. If you are interested in your child participating in our Summer Program, speak with your BCBA to confirm your child meets the criteria. If so, please fill out the Summer Program Application Form found on this page. Your request will be reviewed; you will receive a notification if your child has been accepted within 7-10 days. Registration of a minimum of 5 weeks is required (indicate any 5 weeks on form). Peer role models will be present to aid in facilitating language and social skills on Group Therapy days when available.
Group Structure:
Group Therapy with no more than 3-4 children per group, with a ratio of one RBT Lead Therapist to 3-4 children. Each child will have individual goals that coincide with their developmental and cognitive needs. Our groups are led by a team of BCBAs, BCaBAs and RBTs. Our Clinical Director, MistyAnn Harris, BCBA is also present throughout the summer program for oversight and guidance.
Academic Days are structured with no more than 2 children per group, with a ratio of one RBT Lead Therapist. Our groups are led by a team of BCBAs, BCaBAs and RBTs. Our Clinical Director, MistyAnn Harris, BCBA is also present throughout the summer program for oversight and guidance.
Monday • Wednesday • Friday
12Noon - 2pm
Private Academic Tutoring Days
Insurance Companies Do Not Cover These Days
Math Concepts & Calculations
Reading Comprehension & Fluency Writing Skills
Mechanics of Writing
Expanding Writing Skills
Monday • Wednesday • Friday
10am - 12Noon
Group Therapy
These dates may be covered for current Leap Ahead clients.
Pre-authorization is required.
Maintaining Conversations with Peers
Interactive Games & Board Games
Cooperative Play & Reciprocal Conversation
Building Social Inferences & Problem Solving Scenarios

Summer Program Schedules & Fees
Monday • Wednesday • Friday
(Academic Days)
Private Pay Only (Insurance does not cover Academics)
$240 per week (6 Hours)
12 noon - 2pm
Monday • Wednesday • Friday
(Group Therapy)
Insurance may cover Current Leap Ahead Clients
Private Pay – Please call for Program Rates
Morning Program 10am - 12 noon
One time program & materials fee - $150
This is a non-billable fee to insurance companies.

Summer Program Policies
Our program is designed for children who demonstrate the following behaviors:
Attends in a small group for at least 15 minutes.
May not engage in interfering behaviors (i.e. elopement, biting, throwing objects, screaming, crying, etc.)
Ages Accepted
Our Summer Program 2024 is designed for clients ages 5 - 15 years. After this Summer and Beginning August 31, 2024, Group Therapy and Summer Programs will only service clients ages 5 - 10 years.
Lunch/Snack/Food Allergies
Children staying full day will need a lunch, drinks and two small snacks. If you are arriving at noon, please provide a lunch, drinks and a small snack. Leap Ahead is a NUT-FREE environment.
• Self-pay Clients: Payment is due the first of each month, for the proceeding month.
• Insurance Clients: Payment is due within 10 days of the insurance company paying for services rendered.
Picking Up Late Fees
A $45.00 late fee is applied to your invoice for every 15 minutes you are late picking up your child. Please understand our therapists have scheduled appointments after our summer program.
We welcome observations from outside providers. The observation must be scheduled on a day that is mutually agreed and in writing one week prior to the observation.